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Discord Screen Share No Audio |The Ultimate Quick Fix []


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In most cases, the screen sharing audio feature is used by gamers. They use it for streaming videos and watching gameplays. Suppose you want to play PUBG with your friends who were playing on discord sharing screens, and one of your friends told you to screenshare in discord. Now, you eagerly want to share a screen on discord, and so the next thing you do is download Discord and open screenshare on discord.

But you see that the discord screen sharing is not working, and discord crashes when screen sharing. The next thing you do is contact your friends. They recommended you to share the screen on the phone.

Unfortunately, no luck either. You see the screen share discord not working error again. Suddenly, you realize that your app is not updated to its latest version. Once you update the screen sharing discord, you can easily use the screen sharing on the discord feature with your friends. Usually, screenshare with discord is not problematic unless some minor problems can cause the screen share discord not to work correctly.

Screen sharing in discord will also not work if the discord share screen feature is faulty. It happens when you download Discord from third-party sources. Usually, screen sharing discord features are seen as faulty if not downloaded from the correct source. The screen sharing discord feature is found originally on the Discord Website. Otherwise, you will face discord, not working issues frequently. Screen and audio sharing features are the latest functions of Discord.

And so, this feature has many bugs too. To reset the Discord voice settings, follow these steps: Open Discord, and click on User Settings the gear icon next to your avatar. Close Discord and relaunch it. Test screen share and check if the audio transmission issue has been resolved. Note that if you typically run a lot of programs, you might have experienced caching problems previously. Make sure you close the Discord app before doing this.

Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the latest drivers, and relaunch Discord to verify if the screen share audio problem has been resolved.

Push to talk, highly prevalent in walkie-talkies, is when you have to press and hold a button whenever you want to speak. By default, not pressing the button will not transmit audio from your end to the others. Check if this has resolved the no audio issue.

You could also try restarting Discord. This is what you need to do:. Doing this will clear all local mutes and local volumes. Make sure that the Voice Activity box is checked and not the Push to Talk option. To make sure that your audio settings are configured correctly on your Mac, follow the steps below:. The solution to this problem is simple: Just use the minimized window when screen-sharing an app or a game on Discord.

Since you have the option to adjust the size of the minimized window, you can make it as close to full-screen as possible. It might take several minutes for your OS to be updated. At this point, you can also turn on the Automatic Update feature. Some applications especially those which aren't video games don't get picked up by Discord automatically. If you're trying to share audio from a specific app, you may need to manually add it to your Activity Status. Discord has a lot of temporary files that may cause your installation to run into errors.

You can easily clear this folder out and get the files replaced by following this method. Keep in mind that after performing this method, Discord may take longer than usual to launch. This is temporary, as it needs to re-download some important files!

Your next launch will be just as fast as ever before — if not faster! A tried and true way of solving audio problems on any computer is simply updating your audio drivers. Even if you think they're up to date, a new update may have been released recently, or your driver files could've gotten corrupted since you last installed them. Updating the audio drivers on your PC is simple, and you'll be able to test the Discord screen share with audio after acquiring the latest version:.

If your audio during screen share hasn't improved after completing the method above, the last thing we recommend is to reinstall Discord. You can try to use the same Discord client you're running right now or switch to another one. After downloading the installer for Windows, follow the instructions in the installation wizard and wait for Discord to install on your computer.

After it's completed, launch it and test if screen sharing works with audio. The Discord screen share no audio issue can be frustrating, but we hope our article has helped you troubleshoot and fix your problem. As always, if there's anything that needs clarification or assists with a different Discord error, feel free to contact us! We're happy to provide any advice we can. If this helped solve your problems with the Discord screen-sharing no audio issue, check out some of our other articles on how to use Discord or get more information about what Discord is:.

Here's How to Fix It. Subscribe to our newsletter below if you want to get early access to our newest blog posts, promotions, and discount codes! You'll get the best price on all products we offer at SoftwareKeep. That's all for today. Thanks for reading today's article — see you next time!

Let's get started! Screen share audio not working on Discord: 5 causes We investigated various situations and discovered that multiple reasons could cause the problem with Discord's screen share audio. Beta features. It's possible that a new update needs fixing before you can screen share with audio.

Problem with audio drivers. The issue can be local to your computer. If your audio drivers are outdated, corrupt, or missing, you may not be able to screen share with audio on Discord. Administrative permissions. On some computers, you need to launch Discord with administrator elevation to use screen share with audio. Bad settings. To share audio, your Discord audio settings need to be set up correctly when you begin screen sharing.

Double-check to make sure your settings are correct! Compatibility problem. Some applications have compatibility issues with Discord, which may lead to problems when sharing your screen. If you're unable to transfer the audio of a specific application, it's possible that said app is not yet compatible with Discord's screen share feature.



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